Home » 11 Ways to Promote Your New eBook

11 Ways to Promote Your New eBook

From our own experience, we can say that creating an e-book is a relatively long and laborious activity , which might not seem so much at first glance. Therefore, thinking about its promotion before releasing it to the world is necessary.

Since we already have some experience with the creation of e-books, we are happy to share with you the best tactics that we use in his graduation. The main goal of the entire strategy should be the greatest possible number of downloads , preferably as many as possible from the relevant target group. But before we start analyzing the individual points of its promotion, we should clarify what an e-book is and why we create it at all.

What is an e-book and why create one

An e-book is an electronic document that contains a lot oman whatsapp number data  of data . It is a file intended to look and feel like an electronic publication. Mostly, like a classic book, it contains a detailed topic. Unlike a classic book, however, an e-book is much more mobile , easier and faster to spread, and can easily add social elements for sharing and calls to action.

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From the point of view of content marketing, the e-book is classified as “advanced” content. It is mainly consumed by those who already have some awareness of the topic and want to obtain additional  the real estate agent scans valuable information. From this we can derive the following statement:

The e-book serves to strengthen your authority in the field.
Users who download your e-book are much deeper in the marketing funnel than those who just read your articles.
Thanks to the e-book, you will get a contact for this type of visitor – an e-m loan data ail address, which you can further use for subsequent promotion or e-mail marketing .
Mainly thanks to these three reasons, the creation of e-books pays off for companies, and in the last few years they have become a phenomenon and a main element of content marketing . Although the creation and preparation of an electronic publication itself takes a considerable amount of time, its subsequent promotion is at least as important, if not a more essential part of the complete strategy . Let’s remember together the options that will help you spread the e-book among your target group.

Find industry authorities and reach out to them

If you are in a situation where the e-book is almost ready, you have an ideal opportunity to reach out to influential industry authorities . Give them the opportunity to review your e-book and ask for their feedback. Not only will you gain valuable information, but a reference from an industry authority will also boost your credibility . When you promote the e-book, you can use these references in abbreviated form. The more you involve an influential authority in the field in the creation and give them the opportunity to comment on the e-book, or even edit it, the more chances you have that they will mention your upcoming book on their website and social networks . Josef Kadlec described a nice method of how to proceed effectively in a similar case in a guest post on the podnikanivusa.com website.

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