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25 Best Bloggers in Indonesia Share Over 81 Tips for Creating a Successful Blog

There is only 1 big question that I am sure all best bloggers in the world want to know the answer to: How do we make our blogs successful?

You must be the same way.

Then began the adventure of seeking knowledge and blogging information.

The problem is when searching for tips on creating a blog on Google or community forums, there is a lot of unclear information. Worse still, tips from A and B to Z are often contradictory.

There is no definite answer.

And we’re not sure which tips are right…which ones are wrong.

But what if you could get tips straight from the experts? From those who have already successfully created blogs.

That’s why I interviewed 24 of the best bloggers in Indonesia with this 1 question:

“What is the most powerful strategy to accelerate the growth of a new blog?”

And the answer is, well, this article might be the only guide you need to create a successful blog like theirs.

Participating bloggers:

Here is a list of bloggers who participated and shared their best phone number library strategies.

Please select the name of the blog (alphabetically) that you want to read and then click to go directly to the answers to the interview.

  • ADdiction , AgusMulyadi , anakUI , AsriTadda
  • BixBux , BlogDokter , BlogGueBo , Budi Rahardjo
  • Your money , Dzofar
  • EmakGaoel
  • Isnuansa ,  IwanBanaran
  • JuraganCipir
  • MagicCompany
  • LifeTimeJourney
  • Maulana Malik ,  Maxmanroe
  • The Naked Traveler
  • StartupBusiness , StrategyManagement , Sugeng
  • LinkWeb ,  TMCBlog
  • Writepreneurs

phone number library

Or read directly in sequence:

Tips for Creating a Successful Blog

Sorted by the time each blogger received the response.

Marikxon Manurung — Maxmanroe  ( Twitter )

1. Content

The first strategy is of course to maximize the content on our blog first.

Building content on our blog should not be solely based on the number of searches for certain keywords, but more on the benefits of the content and how it is presented on the blog.

Our blog navigation also has an impact.

top 5 dropshipping plugins for wordpress One quality content without offering links to related articles will definitely not produce optimal results. With good navigation, we can direct the audience to read other articles related to the article they just read.

2. Marketing

The blog marketing that I usually do is by free and paid methods.

  • Free: SEO, Social media (FB, Twitter, G+, Instagram), active forum
  • Paid: FB ads, Twitter ads, email lists, placing feeds/links on well-known blogs that have loyal visitors.

All of these marketing processes (free and paid) are done continuously. The combination of all of them can make a blog become more popular quickly, both on social media and in search engines.

Based on my experience, this marketing process will be very easy if we have a team. Working alone will definitely not produce maximum results.

3. Consistency

Whatever the business is, if we are not consistent gambling data, it will definitely not grow. Right? Same with blogging, if you are not consistent, don’t expect much.

Based on my experience, if we are consistent in blogging, at least within 1 year the blog will have generated a lot (money) and be stable.

But there is no guarantee that it will continue to be like that, if you are not consistent and there is no innovation, then famous blogs can also collapse and their traffic can ‘free fall’.

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