Home » 3 Signs You’ll Become a Good Programmer

3 Signs You’ll Become a Good Programmer

Experts from Acronis, KROK, Mercaux Inc., STREAM, ICL Services and Bell Integrator have shared the signs by which a “predisposition” to programming is determined. What makes you a potential developer?

You have a mathematical mind.
“In essence, programming is very similar to “engineering specialties”, a person with a “mathematical mind” can equally successfully design wheeled vehicles or write code. If we proceed from this, then one of the main signs that a person has a talent for programming is the presence of an analytical mind, that is, a tendency to study, analyze and build into “finished forms” any information that he receives,” says Anton Enakiev, Vice President of Development at Acronis .

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“You need to be friends function ai real estate agent with mathematics, as one Russian scientist said, ‘it puts the mind in order’,” agrees Sergey Strelkov, head of the in-house development department at KROK.

What kind of mathematics cmo email list is needed is explained by Alexey Svetlov. Head of the development department of the technical department of OOO Stream.

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