Want to learn more about local it to your business? Keep reading!
What is local SEO?
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a digital marketing strategy that works on the website’s domain and pages for good positioning in search engines, such as Google.
Many companies have started using this strategy, especially when we consider content marketing, which aims precisely at this ranking. Therefore, local SEO is a strategy that works on this positioning, considering the user’s location.
When a user searches, for example
For “beauty salon”, Google will give preference to results that are close to where the user is, with the aim of quickly and conveniently resolving their problem.
Local SEO also helps when denmark email list a search is made with terms that represent the location. In this example, the user would search for “beauty salon in Santa Cecília”, and the results within that location of their preference would appear.
What are the benefits of local SEO?
Local SEO can affect your company’s results in several ways. With well-targeted searches for your target audience, your name can appear in the results, if it is interesting, increasing your company’s clientele and revenue.
Increased sales
The first major impact is the increase in sales . There is no doubt that today, many people do research using their smartphones to find establishments.
When your company is present on the mechanisms used by your audience, it is possible to increase its reach and the number of sales.
Increased brand awareness
Local SE O works how to turn a lazy blog post idea into viral content precisely to present your company afb directory to users who are close to the business.
Therefore, it is possible to attract more and more potential customers, who are looking for the type of product or service that your company sells. Increased business authority