4 Tips for Getting Started on YouTube

Although creating videos and putting them on a YouTube channel might not be possible for every company.

it can be a fantastic way of creating powerful content (Google loves YouTube – not surprisingly, as it owns it!).

This content not only links to your website, but also markets your product or service.

As we discussed in our

recent post on using a website to sell green products, a video.

Can be a very direct way of showing off what your product does.

and thus very helpful in building up the reputation of that product and your brand.

Video can also be a great way of demonstrating knowledge – creating hong kong phone number data how-to guides, or offering further information about your area of expertise.

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Just make sure your videos are short and to the point; no one is going to be watching.

if you spend 3 minutes of a 10 minute video introducing your ideas – think about how short your own attention.

span is when looking at articles or videos on the internet.

Or maybe you want to create


buzz about your company with a viral marketing campaign – something quirky and memorable that people will want to share, and get them talking about your company (like this recent video by Walmart which quickly made its way round the internet – just try googling ‘walmart video clown’ and you’ll get an idea of its popularity).

Quite apart from its links with Google, YouTube is an it is time to sit down with the team again and see where the flaws are ideal place to get started with a company video campaign as it is easy to set up and very easy to share.

Once you’ve set up your YouTube account (which requires a simpe verification by phone or email), you are given your own channel, to which you can add details of your company (YouTube’s own help pages tg data are pretty handy, and here is a useful step-by-step outline of how to go about it).

Naturally enough, we have some tips to help get you started and get the most out of your YouTube experience:

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