Machine learning and artificial intelligence are booming. This practice, whose first scientific work dates back to the 1970s, consists of programming a machine to learn by itself bas on training. It is currently benefiting from significant technical progress, and in particular from greater computing power, which makes it possible to obtain better results, with increasingly broad capabilities (text, image, sound, video, etc.).
Concretely, it involves training a machine from a data set, by giving it the problem and the solution, this is what we call supervis learning. Once it is ready to operate, we will provide it with the data of a problem, without indicating the solution , explains Baptiste Rousseau, campus manager of Holberton in Bordeaux.
A new family of artificial intelligence
is making headlines: large language models , or LLMs, which are now available to the general public. The campus director explains: ” you have to imagine billions and billions of words, as well as billions and billions of parameters, which readjust to produce the korea whatsapp number data most probable answer to a query .” Thanks to well-design user interfaces, like that of ChatGPT which was develop by OpenAI, Internet users have the feeling that the machine is thinking before giving the answer to their question.
Technically, these solutions provide the most likely sequence of words in relation to the question ask. Since they are extremely well train and benefit from very high computing power, they give results that are impressive for people who are new to these technologies. The risk: we are entitl to wonder if the machine is telling the truth, or if it is sending us false information.
By choosing to follow this path
you will master new forms of artificial intelligence, you will be able to continue to develop them ” by assembling what is brand equity and why is it important? new bricks “, with a view to offering innovative uses to users.
Given its broad scope, companies cmo email list increasingly ne experts with a sufficiently detail understanding of how they operate to be able to update, maintain and develop them.