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Believe it or not 60% of online shoppers report

Purchasing a product due to FOMO marketing. You’ll be happy to know that there are multiple ways to implement this strategy on your website.

The easiest way to create a sense of urgency is to have a limit -time promotion, like Black Friday. You could have a weekend special where all your prices are 30% off. Once you decide on an offer, reach out to your email subscribers and social m ia followers to let them know about the event.

Don’t forget to include a countdown timer on your checkout page, showing visitors how long they have to take advantage of your deal.

Find help easily

Finally, we can’t stress the importance of making it easy for visitors to ask for help. If you’ve ever ne help with an online order, you know how important it is to have a strong support system. When belgium phone number library visitors’ questions are answer , they’re more likely to complete their purchase.

We recommend using a mix of live chat agents and chatbots to help your customers. Chatbot technology is great for helping users with common questions or concerns. Live agents, on the other hand, can help visitors with specific issues and one-off problems. This human touch in your customer service program is crucial to converting people on the checkout page.

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Your team should understand

Your customers’ goals and pain points. When someone is about to complete a purchase, they may have a very specific goal or question. If you have a strong team that knows how to overcome objections and most hosting providers have specific affiliate programs help soon-to-be customers, you’ll likely see an improvement in your conversion rate.


You’ll find that your checkout page will change over time. As you afb directory learn more about your customers and their ne s, you can make adjustments that get more people to stick around and submit their orders. The tips provid today will help you get start .

Don’t be discourag if your abandonment rate is unusually high. With practice, you’ll learn to keep more people on your site, which will lead to more engagement, sales, and repeat business.

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