The permanent assortment of Recycle Lab includes notebooks, organizers and keychains. The prices vary: for example, the simplest keychain can be bought for 350 rubles, and a notebook will cost 1,700 rubles. In the future, Artem would like to work on vases from secondary materials.
But so far there is little demand for such work
Another area of the laboratory’s work is collaboration. For example, together with the artist Ulyana Rozina, recycl PVC for the Ural public art program ” ChӦ “. The project turn out to be complex and, unfortunately, not as environmentally friendly as the authors would have lik.
The hoods could not cope with the toxic emissions
The idea was to draw the attention of Sverdlovsk residents to the pollution of local rivers. Old inflatable toys that people usually take to the beach were us as raw materials – balls, rings, vests. Together with industrial designer Rodion vk database Bayandin, Recycle Lab came up with a volumetric organizer made from recycl materials.
Together with Moscow abstract artist
Daria Tkacheva, Artem came up with cuffs, which were once sold at the Yeltsin Center. Materials on the topic How Ecocenters Work in Russia: The Experience of the Sborka Project Sergey Tushev talks about launching an eco-center on the second this will help protect illustrations try, a recycling museum, and whether it’s possible to make money from all of this. Apart from the project founder, there are no permanent people in the laboratory – only project workers.
At the moment, Artem is in the process of
Rethinking his brainchild: in June, he clos the old workshop and began working on launching a new, larger space. The project is already several years old, and as its creator I began to look at it differently. I came as an artist, and now I can look at it usa data as a business and understand how money works.