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As Brian Halligan, co-founder and CEO of HubSpot

To give you an idea, the application of this strategy multiplies the generation of qualifi leads in companies in the sector by x3 in one year and x14 in two years with the same investment. Why? Because it is a strategy that puts the nes, study and ucation of your target audience first throughout the entire purchasing process, which, in the long run, will allow you to gain their trust and will make you grow exponentially.

Buyers have more information


Available to them and higher expectations for a relevant, personal purchase. Giving them that experience, one that’s driven by their nes and happens on their timeline, is what an inbound approach to sales is all about.”

Who is my software intend for? (position, sector, work experience, etc.)
Who will be the final buyer of my service? (It does not have to be the same person as the person who will use it)
What demographic characteristics does my buyer teacher database persona have? (age, sex, location, ucational level, purchasing power, etc.)
What psychological characteristics define you? (personality, attitudes, values, interests, etc.)
What behaviors do they use? (purchase patterns. Price sensitivity, online behavior, social networks they use, etc.)
What type of business is my software target at? (company size, annual revenue, number of employees, industry, etc.)



Well, once you are clear about who


You are going to target, you will have to think about how you are going to attract them to your business. In this sense, you will have to address the following issues:

Content : What type of content brings value and interest to my ideal client? Here you have a flood of options, such as: ebooks, infographics, comparisons, audiovisuals, webinars, demos, etc. In addition, it is essential to smart bidding works as follows have a blog that covers everything from your software solutions. The most recurrent and innovative topics relat to your sector, the problems that users encounter. To success stories that you have carri out. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a study of keywords in relation to each topic that you deal with.


Your website is the virtual showcase of your company. To attract new leads. You have to make sure that the following factors are respect: That it portrays your brand’s branding, that it inspires cribility and trust, that the yeezys shoes content and flow are optimiz, that it has a fast loading spe. That it does not overwhelm the user with too much information.
SEO : One of the crucial factors in attracting new leads is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This will allow you to increase the visibility of your online software company by appearing on the first page of search engines like Google. To do this, you will have to identify the keywords that generate the most traffic and create optimiz content and landing pages.

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