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Brand manager: responsibilities, tasks, prospects

Let’s say you’re going to the store to choose pasta to cook a meal for the whole family. And you’re fac with a huge choice. Dozens of different manufacturers offer their products, so who should you choose?

This is what a brand is for. It is the distinctive feature that makes a product recognizable in the market and helps consumers better understand its characteristics, advantages and purpose.

What is a brand and a company brand manager

What is a brand and a company brand manager
The creation of any brand is bas, first of all, on human perception. Its task is to form an associative image in the consumer, to cause a positive impression. In particular, such a well-known pasta brand as Barilla is inextricably link with ideas about sunny Italy.

A brand is, in a sense, a iraq whatsapp number data company’s business card, forming its image in the minds of consumers. It is a visual reflection of the company’s activities, the goods it produces, or the services it provides.

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A brand manager is someone who creates images that will later be present to the audience through various channels of interaction: social networks, advertising on radio and television, etc.

Who most often nes a brand manager?

Pavel Simonov – Executive Director of Geekbrains
Pavel Simonov
CEO of Geekbrains
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intermiaries and resellers;
small business owners;
masters who have their own craft.
The history of the marketers are not advertising salespeople emergence of the profession of brand manager
Quite often people confuse the professions of a marketer and a brand manager. This is cg leads not surprising, because the history of the emergence of the latter specialty is similar to the stages of marketing development. However, the responsibilities of professionals are different.

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