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Bugs in apps – 10 ways to avoid them

There is nothing more inelegant than when something you are doing crashes. This phrase can and should be read in technological language, as it refers to errors that applications present and that make anyone angry.

These flaws, known in the virtual world as bugs, cause a tremendous amount of inconvenience. And many of these problems may not even be caus by the application itself. In many cases, the cause of these problems may be the spe of your device’s processor, or even the choice you make of the memory card you insert instead of the internal memory. And some applications, such as Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram may be affect by this. These three applications were mention because they are the most us by smartphone users.

It turns out that, due to lack

of care with the device, it can cause security problems, but even so, even with all the care taken, several cell phones are impact by bugs, which affect their proper functioning.

With that in mind, this text aims to present 10 ways for you to avoid coming into contact with bugs in your applications. Stay tun and stay protect against them.

Before, what would be a bug?

A bug is when your device’s language conflicts, making it impossible to continue running a particular application. It is also known as a logic failure, and occurs when the device loses the purpose of a particular process.

Bugs can cause security flaws, especially when they occur in applications that have internet access.

An interesting fact: these faults were given this name, which in English means insect, because Thomas ison us it to describe the problems that animals were causing in his phonograph. Later, the term began to be us in computing when the first valve computers attract many insects to their components, which caus several errors. Nowadays, the expression refers to any error that a program or application can cause.

What can these bugs cause?
The biggest danger that bugs can qatar phone number data cause to a device is that they leave it completely vulnerable, putting security and privacy at risk. In addition, other problems that bugs can cause are:

phone number data

Compromis privacy – once a bug has been detect. Hackers can control the apps that came with the device. Such as the camera and microphone. This alone leaves the user completely compromis, leaving them expos to the possibility of being spi on;
Stolen information – with these marketing training from logo to rebranding flaws, it will.  possible for malicious codes to steal your information contain on the device. Which will directly affect your security;
Not knowing about the problem – this is perhaps. The worst, as the user will not know that they have been bz lists affect by the bug and, as a result, they will act silently.

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