Home » Charity Website Design: Introduction

Charity Website Design: Introduction

First objective.
To engage the public and get them interested and informed about the.

Charity’s activities and mission – this drives individual donations.

Which happen either directly through the site, or indirectly via fundraising events held by individuals.


Second objective

To present a professional and focused profile to potential funders.

Like governments brazil phone number data or grant foundations; this drives larger donations.

And helps to continue your operational work thro

ugh long term funding partnerships.

mobile phone number library

Third objective.
To convey to professionals in your field your expertise and value, which.

Helps your charity remain relevant and important and helps to attract staff, get you invited to conferences and speaking engagements, and supports your public relations campaign.


Fourth objective

This is the most complex to achieve: conveying to the recipients of your charity .

Direct and indirect – why you are important to them and why they should work with you.

This is becoming increasingly important in the charitable world; the nature of foreign aid, environmental work and social care has, for many organisations, evolved from an (unspoken) hierarchical relationship into a partnership with those who benefit.

In other words, funders want to see input from all stakeholders and evidence of direct communication with recipients / beneficiaries in your work.

Likewise, beneficiary communities will appreciate evidence that your charity consulted with locals and/or affected individuals before you begin a project.

Both funders and those targeted by your charity will want to perceive through your website a commitment to working together with the recipients, not ‘giving handouts’, with an ultimate goal of sustained and meaningful change.


Coming up, we give some examples of well designed charitable websites to want to learn more and receive further illustrate how each of the four objectives can be achieved through design.

If you know of a great charitable website that you would tg data like to recommend, please draw our attention to it through the comments below, or on Twitter or Facebook.


If you enjoyed this, continue to part 2 in our charity website design series, Ways to Attract Public Support.

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