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Communication Specialists

A communication specialist is a very broad concept and many still probably do not understand what he does and what it includes. Even universities prepare a number of communication specialists every year, but each of them receives a different name, which makes it even more difficult to understand what it is. For example, Vilnius University, Faculty of Communication has 9 different master’s study programs, but every student becomes a master of communication after completing the master’s degree. So about each specialty more specifically.

Analytical journalism

This program prepares professional journalists rich people number data who are. Able to work in both traditional and modern organizations. Understand the principles of mass communication and are ready to analyze and create topics relevant to society, starting from politics to art facts. Sustainable development communication. In this program, masters acquire knowlge to create and implement sustainable development integrat communication programs, to critically and creatively evaluate the specifics of sustainable development communication.

special data

Mia and digital publishing

In this program, one acquires the ability to linkedIn to generate leads evaluate. Social communication innovations, to choose. Effective digital and print mia advertising and distribution channels and tools in the online society, to study the ever-changing market. To use online marketing methods and instruments, Heritage information and communication . Professional heritage communication specialists are train who are able to analyze, critically evaluate and manage heritage information and communicate tangible and intangible heritage in the sectors of memory institutions and cultural and creative industries, using traditional and digital heritage communication technologies.

Management of information systems

The purpose of the program is to train bulk lead qualifi professionals. Who are able to work successfully in the areas of planning, designing, implementing, servicing and managing information systems of organizations. The right of children with psychosocial or mental disabilities to a fair trial”. MIAFORTA, UAB, human resources coordinator. Another option, VšĮ, human resources coordinator. Head of the Marketing Management Agency . A motivat person is a productive worker. Human resources are the company’s greatest value. The success of the company is determin by human resources, and the financial indicators of the company depend on the competence of the employees.

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