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Confidentiality of your app’s data – What is important to evaluate?

customersThe data enter into your application must be preserv and kept confidential, with protection that makes it as difficult as possible to locate it. And, with the help of advanc technologies, the relationship between users and applications is becoming easier and faster. Today, I’m going to talk to you about data confidentiality.

And when you use an app, you will inevitably be exchanging information with it, information that concerns your privacy. Therefore, it is important that you make your app as transparent as possible about the data it collects from users, so that they can access, control and update it.

Therefore, all information provid by the user in the application must be protect, both by the Constitution and by other laws, keeping the information confidential, so that it is never us for malicious purposes.

And what is important to be evaluating?

It is important to evaluate the information that is collect from users. They provide it in three different ways:

Voluntarily provid – this information is that which is provid by filling out a form to register. Items such as name, address, and telephone number are request information that the user generally provides.

When you use the app and provide south africa phone number data information automatically – when you access the app, your own device automatically provides some non-personal information. This information is how you are interacting with the app and is provid by your own device.

phone number data

With this, the application will only analyze the data receiv, to try to better understand the interests and nes of users, with the aim of improving the content and functionality of the application.

Thus, the data that is collect inway

Information that is automatically collect by cookies and other tools.
We may also collect public information function AI real estate agent that other users provide about you when they use the App. One example is information that you share publicly on the internet and social mia.

It is also possible to obtain this information through other companies that are affiliat or partners, or through bz lists third parties that are hir for the purpose of collecting and analyzing the information.

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