Home » Everything will come (if you work for it)

Everything will come (if you work for it)

Do I have a mantra? A video on the topic I saw yesterday on LinkedIn got me thinking about this question. Thinking about it, I came up with something.

“Everything will come.”

Things come to you if you get close to them. It means being in continuous motion. It also means accepting defeats as part of the journey. “Everything will come” also means being patient.

Things don’t happen overnight

That is why “everything will come” also means taking it step by step. It is much easier to take a few steps every day than many in one.

It’s actually my superpower. The perseverance to pursue something for a long time.

So it doesn’t matter if it hasn’t happened uae whatsapp number data today because “everything will come.” You just have to keep working.Just like when you prepare for a marathon, the intensity when you work cannot be the same every day. As much as I like the idea of ​​performing at 120% from Monday to Friday, there will always be days where the intensity is going to be lower. It is not about relaxing but about mixing tasks in such a way that you do not always have to enter the orange zone.

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I’m not very personal

This is something that, from experience, will How to know if your social media strategy is working quickly make you fall into burnout . Just like when you train, you have to alternate days of intensity with days of recovery. The objective has to be that your recovery days are days of intensity for other people. My expectations for myself are higher than for other people because I have been training this way at a professional level for almost 20 years.

What I just told you, I share less on qatar data LinkedIn. I am more formal on average. I am looking and observing those publications that are performing well.

They are those with personal and close stories

I reserve this intimacy for my blog, which is what I have it for. Luckily, I’m a bit up to my neck and I can’t take on more than I already have at the moment.

In short: It’s of little use to have a lot of followers if you don’t have an active and personal profile with personal stories. This is nothing new either, but I wanted to share it with you so that you don’t get surprised the next time you see one of those posts that no one is paying attention.

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