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For example, SMS will be sent to subscribers

Who are in a certain region or have recently return from another country. To do this, you ne to select the zone around the desir point on the online map, after which everyone who is within the coverage radius will receive a message. Send SMS on behalf of the brand – for example, with the name of the online store instead of a phone number. Receive data about deliver SMS.

Send messages to a specific target group, etc

SMS messaging platforms have extensive functionality that allows you to: Create automatic message chains. Segment your customer gambling number data list by interests, age, income and other criteria. Select the date and time to send the SMS. Integrate with CRM and other tools us by the company. In this case, the creation of SMS mailings both through operators and through services is carri out according to the following algorithm: Defining the goal .

special data

This will help you determine the main strategy

Methods and potential results of the mailing: Advertising a new product or service. Return of a specific customer segment. Preparing for the seasonal sale. Increas brand awareness etc. A clear goal gives an idea of ​​which audience segment run the campaign to send messages to, what format to write the text in, what KPIs and other factors to track. Preparing a list of mailing recipients . An SMS campaign can be divid into different segments. For example, people who have perform a target action on a website page; women over 30; buyers of LCD TVs, etc. The choice depends on the goal of the SMS strategy.

Thus, to increase the number of regular customers

You can send promotional messages to people who have recently made their first purchase. In this case, it is better to work with your own material data database – it is easier to study, segment and, most importantly, monitor compliance with legal requirements. For example, “purchas ” numbers sometimes end up in such databases without the consent of subscribers – this is a violation of advertising legislation and, according to Part 4.1 of Article 14.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian F eration, entails a fine from 300,000 to 1,000,000 ₽.

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