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Google has access to all our internal

In this case Junk/Interest/Engag bas on 5 seconds spent on the site for “Interest” and some click or scroll action for “Engag”). There really can’t be a consensus because there is no good solution.

In Google Analytics at least in its version

we have come to see that the bounce rate is manipulable and therefore, even though it is a single metric, it is different in each case.

How does Google Search measure bounce?

When it comes to SEO, we must be clear about one thing: Google Search does not have access to our website. There are a few (not a few) conspiracy facebook database theory lovers who tell us that if we install Google Analytics on our websites,  metrics, but this makes little sense.


special data


On the one hand, if this were true

Websites with Google Analytics would differ in ranking from those that don’t use it. On the other hand, it’s clear that this would be a totally illegal action for which Google could be seriously penaliz. At this point, it’s very, very unlikely that Google would so future marketing trends obviously violate data protection laws just to fe its algorithm. Finally, the amount of data that Google Analytics handles and the way it is organiz make the process that.

Google Search would have

To have behind it to evaluate pages bas on their internal web analytics really colossal. No, it’s definitely very unlikely that Google Search would rely on Google Analytics data at all for anything. In fact, it’s unlikely that Google would allow itself access to this data for any reason.

So, if Google cannot access

Our web analytics tools, how does it measure user behaviour on them? Well, it’s simple. It does so with what it can, and what can it do with? Well, with the user experience on the search engine itself, which is actually more than enough for it to assess tg data this bounce, since the vast majority of users who search for something return to the same search engine again and again.

For Google Search, a bounce is a person

Who clicks on a search result (yes, Google measures all the clicks we make on the search engine) and within a few seconds returns to the same search. If you think about it, this is the bounce behavior of many non-advanc users.

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