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Graphic source: Natzir Turrado

Over time, Navboost has evolved and today Google refers to it internally as “Glue,” a more refined model that unifies all of the user interaction signals that Google has with the search engine (clicks are just one of them).

What should we do to improve our bounce rate in Google Search?

The first thing we need to do is stop trying to manipulate it. This also leads us to the fact that we should not take into account the bounce rate from other marketing channels. For example: launching email campaigns with a high bounce rate is not going to affect us in SEO, since Google Search is not aware of that bounce. So let’s look at the Bounce in each channel for what it is and how it affects us.

Please note that today the bounce in

Calculated through the difference between sessions and sessions with interaction, and for the latter to occur it is skype database necessary that.


special data


The user stays on a page for more

Shan 10 seconds (by default, but this can be changed to longer, which would increase the bounce rate).
Siew 2 pages (two page view events the result a potential customer are fired ) and thus we avoid the fatal back button.
Enteract and a conversion event is launched (now a key event which could be. A for example, the scroll event ).

These are the typical strategies that are usually

Followed in terms of cancelling bounces on the site. Whey fall within performance marketing or what is currently called CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) so there are not really many changes from one strategy to another. In other words, what will help us improve objectives with users on the website will help us in this SEO Performance.

Identifying the message at a glance

Attractive, clear and modern design
Special attention to scroll-free design
Coherence between keyword and content
Avoid invasive advertising
Improving page loading tg data speed
Logical navigation related to the landing page theme
Calls to action
Differentiation from other similar pages.

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