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How has the BIM model revolutionized the construction industry?

One of the technological disruptions that completely revolutioniz the construction industry and the building paradigm has been the arrival and use of BIM programs and models.

But what do we mean by the BIM model?

What is a daily work tool for large companies is still un taiwan whatsapp number data known to Mexican SMEs. The most important thing is to know that it is an innovation that is worth discovering for the advantages it offers.



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What is a BIM model
BIM (Building Information Modelling ) is not only a package of three-dimensional design and drawing tools for the architecture sector. It is a work system that has standardiz the construction sector.

The BIM model consists of the use and management of a single virtual model of data and information of a construction project by all professionals involv in it: architects, engineers, landscapers, surveyors, designers, technicians and installers, promoters (public and private), investors and even construction companies, among others.

This allows all those involv, throughout the entire life cycle of an engineering project, for example a residential building, to work from a global and complete perspective.

Through a single information model, all actors involv in a project can contribute, modify and access data in an organiz way in real time. This ruces the risk of data loss, facilitates efficient management, architecture and construction of a project and achieves better final results.

In short, the BIM model chang the way infrastructures are design, built, manag and operat.

Detail view of project design: The BIM model ruces. The design pr marketing training from logo to rebranding ocess of a project. All professionals involv in a project enter and modify information relat to their tasks in real time in a single work project. This ruces errors in later stages.
Ruction of problems and conflicts. YIM ruces the co material data nflicts that a construction project may have when many professionals are involv and interact with each other. This is because everyone uses the same work model. Tn which they can see changes and make modifications in real time. Tvoiding misunderstandings regarding project information.


Main advantages of the BIM model

Improves productivity: Using the BIM model increases and improves. Tproductivity of professionals working in any phase of a project. For example, when modeling in 3D, production times are ruc. Trrors can be identifi and correct from the beginning and  This ruces the time and effort requir. Ehen working with a lot of documentation.
Centralization of information: by having all the information of a project. Tentraliz in the same model for everyone, the risk of loss of information that can occur when a professiona. Tr work group modifies the project data is ruc.

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