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How to Avoid Common Copywriting Mistakes

While a high level of creativity may be essential to your job, some common writing approaches don’t actually communicate your message in a clear and effective way. Making any of these mistakes in professional communication can be embarrassing; it can also cause your colleagues and managers to question your acumen.

Here, we’ve list the most commonly encounter copywriting mistakes, along with tips on how to avoid them.

Focus on features rather than benefits

It’s a mistake to focus your message on the features of your product or service rather than its benefits or impact on your target audience. Audiences don’t care about all the things a product can do; your australia phone number library audience cares about how it can make them happier, more fulfill , less stress , and higher performing. Stop all the features. Tell me I can’t live another day without buying something.

Not telling a story with a hook and payoff

The problem with writing is that it’s not engaging enough. Writing doesn’t have the extra-sensory things that happen in a video, for example, so that means the writer’s words do all the heavy lifting. If you want to draw people into your copy, you have to be a good storyteller. Stories start with a “hook” and naturally have a beginning, middle, and end, with big payoffs.

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Changing perspectives

Stick to a chosen point of view. Too often, I see corporate writing that starts in first person and continues in third person, or vice versa. Choose a tone. Are you speaking as “I” or “he,” “she,” or “it”? This shifting POV appears in many corporate boilerplates on “About Us” pages and in press releases.

No attention to readers

Focus on the audience. Why do they care? What will what is brand equity and why is it important? motivate them? What action do you want them to take, or is it just to inform? Too often I see writing that focuses on the writer rather than the reader. It’s not just about what you as a writer want to convey; it’s more about why the reader should care.

Use repeat branding

Repetition can be a great way to establish a strong brand voice, but afb directory if us too often it can seem impersonal and make the content feel script . While it’s important to reference your brand messaging, each piece of content should be unique to avoid appearing overly brand.


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