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How to remind your customers and users of an appointment

The scheduled appointment time is now 15 minutes pas. You choose to wait a few more moments and then call the customer. But without receiving any answer. It could already be the second customer of the day who does not show up and for your business. It would represent a significant take email marketing service loss in terms of money and time.  To rearrange the agenda of the day with an inevitable line of annoyed customers waiting.

How to calculate loss for your business?


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In addition to the stress resulting from a last-minute cancellation of an appointment. A significant delay or even a lack of notice from the client. It is important to consider the damage caused by such a situation. How to remember an appointment: the channels

A simple to use, economical and less invasive tool than a phone call is definitely the SMS . An appointment reminder message that arrives directly in the pockets of your customers is an excellent way to get the most out of your business.

  1. The phone call : by providing your telephone contact in the text of the message, the phone call is a valid how to establish an offshore development center solution, but it is time-consuming for your call centre.
  2. The SMS reception service : thanks to which the customer can respond directly to the message confirming or not their presence without having to call.

How long does it take to send an appointment reminder message?

Let’s put ourselves in the customer’s shoes for a moment. It could happen to anyone that, among the various commitments. They actually forget about their reservation. For this reason, sending a message to remind them of the appointment is a highly appreciated assistance service . Furthermore, if that missed appointment costs the company a lot, it is advisable to send a first SMS or WhatsApp message 2 or 3 days before the appointment.

The advantage of sending a first message to remind the appointment is precisely that of giving the customer the possibility to cancel or reschedule it. This can be done smoothly and easily thanks to taiwan data WhatsApp, where the customer can respond directly in the chat, to reschedule the appointment.

When the appointment is almost here (24 or 12 hours before), you can schedule a second reminder message to be sent .

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