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It supports the idea that innovation is about technology

That’s why it invites us to think about which conversations should take place in work teams and then choose technology. If this doesn’t happen, we’re stuck in technological solutionism, because digital transformation requires people first and technology second.

Fac with a new way of working, he believes it is necessary to work towards a new philosophy that requires new dialogues and agreements, in which the autonomy of collaborators becomes relevant. Part of the responsibility of leaders will be to investigate how they can help collaborators to reach their goals as much as possible, and for this he suggests the ne to develop a digital well-being plan.

Communicating from a gender perspective

Analysing different campaigns from a gender albania phone number library perspective, and asking the challenge that brands have to communicate outside of the paradigm no longer applies to these times. What are we talking about when we mention gender inequality?

The data puts the challenges and urgency of the gender equality discussion into perspective. According to the Unit Nations, women spend three times as much time doing household chores as men. In the world, only 11% of countries are l by women, 25% have women in parliament, 27% hold management positions in companies, and when it comes to the pay gap, women earn 25% to 40% less than men.

How is gender inequality reproduc in our culture? What are gender stereotypes?

Gender refers to a cultural construct, and gender stereotypes refer to biases about female and male attributes. Society expects women or men to act, think or feel a certain way because they are born female and male. It is harmful when it limits us, when it makes it more impossible for women and the opposite for men. The m ia is absorbing publishers who specialize in gender and diversity to avoid replicating gender stereotypes, these gender biases that are accept by everyone.

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What are the responsibilities of communicators?

When we understand that culture reproduces these gender stereotypes and is assembling these models of how to be a woman and how to be a man, we happen to understand the role of communicators and marketers are not advertising salespeople  communicators in breaking down and building other types of models of being feminine, masculine, and incorporating diversity. It highlights the importance of communicators, in the roles they play, being vigilant and filtering how to communicate in the face of differences.

The relationship between brands and consumers is becoming afb directory closer and closer, so the consumer public is asking more questions about these issues and demanding more commitment from brands.

How to break these gender-bias patterns, including: 1) review and re-examine campaigns/communications, 2) be aware of your own biases, 3) deconstruct at home, 4) present ideas to others, 5) curation + crisis committees, 6) training, 7) inclusive language, 8) UN Women.

Finally, it is important to work within the company to achieve real and deep change before working externally and seeking change in society, and to constantly think and re-question. Change and revision are part of this learning on the path to a more equal society.

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