Home » Blog » Lecture from Barcamp Kolín: How to manage a company where everyone

Lecture from Barcamp Kolín: How to manage a company where everyone

How to manage the organization of your remote work? How to communicate with colleagues who may be on the other side of the world? How to assign people and ensure the transfer of work between workers so that everything goes as it should? Josef

Listen to the podcast here

Řezníček lectured not only on these topics at the Barcamp in Kolín . If you  sweden whatsapp number data are thinking about working remotely, or if you are already familiar with it and are struggling with minor hiccups, we definitely recommend watching the video or listening to the podcast. You can find a more concise summary in the article.


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You can download the podcast  here .

You can view past podcast episodes  he ě marketing agency has already mastered remote wor start working with a trustworthy k in its 6 years of operation. The workers here are not in one office . It doesn’t really matter whether they do their work at home, in the mountains, by the sea or even on the other side of the world.

Play the podcast and subscribe to the channel on iTunes
You can find our  iTunes channel here , we’d love for you to subscribe. Than loan data k you for your patronage and we look forward to seeing you in the next installment.

You can also find us on Spotify

If you want to listen to the podcast using Spotify, you can do so here .
Read what telecommuting is all about

Včeliště’s several years of experience have shown that working remotely can be just as effective – often even more effective – than working in an office. A self-evident assumption is that each member of the team can organize their own activities and adhere.

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