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Marketing. What is this?

What is this Marketing is a branch of economic science, the function of which is to organize. The company’s activities in such a way that sales grow and the company’s awareness increases. “Marketing is the process of finding out nes and making and implementing decisions necessary to satisfy them, which helps to achieve the goals of a person or an organization.” That’s what the theory says, but in practice it’s a complicat process that you can’t describe in just a few sentences.

We know that many questions arise in the marketing process:

What strategy to choose? how to allocate the budget correctly? how to advertise?… where to advertise?… what advertising tools job seekers database to choose?… which mia channel is the most effective?… We can answer these questions by becoming Marketing Specialists of your company , even if it will not be easy! The marketing mix is ​​a set of interrelat actions and decisions aim at satisfying the nes of consumers and achieving the organization’s marketing goals.

special data

Every organization operates in a certain constantly changing environment

In order to be successful, it must provide which is responsible for implementing goods. And services that meet the nes of the public and are willing to pay for them. Therefore, managers of organizations must constantly monitor the environment, the changes taking place in it, current events and react to it. Before starting the development of a marketing strategy, every organization must first of all find out its place in the market, examine the internal and external environment and analyze the nes of consumers.

This is defin by elements such as the product or service

The organization produces, the price bulk lead of the product or service, the ways in which it is advertis, and how and where consumers can purchase it. These main elements, also call “6 P ” form the organization’s marketing complex. Thus, the components of the marketing complex are: 1.PRODUCT (product). 2. PRICE (price). 3.PLACE (distribution channels). 4. PROMOTION (sponsorship, advertising). 5. PROCESS (process). 6. PEOPLE (people). Often company managers think that marketing is just sponsorship (advertising) and in many cases they support the marketing specialist as an advertising seller.

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