Home » Mexico is heading towards digital backwardness

Mexico is heading towards digital backwardness

Mexico does not have a connectivity policy, the cost of the spectrum remains high, and support from the Unit States has not been taken advantage of.
Mexico could be left behind in the digital age by ignoring the actions of its competitors in Latin America and rejecting economic offers from North America, experts warn.

Despite having close ties to Brazil and Colombia, the government does not create incentives for telecommunications companies to invest in the country.

Jorge Fernando Negrete, president of Digital Policy & Law Group , said .

“ There is no precise connectivity policy, we do not see a clear vision from the government .”

He assur.

Latin American advances in 5G

In Brazil, for example, the radio spectrum bidding process has been carri out since 2021 for5Glargest on the continent at affordable prices.

In the third quarter of this year, Colombia will auction low, mium and high bands of radio spectrum to exploit the technology of5G.

Argentina is in a similar situation, he said.

“Countries that want to move iraq whatsapp number data towards an accelerat process of economic development ne to incorporate digital technologies; first connect and then digitally transform .”

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Negrete point out.
In Mexico, at the end of 2022, the Feral Telecommunications Institute (IFT) report that this year it will auction radio spectrum to boost communications5G.

Through the frequencies of 600 MHz, 800 MHz, 850 MHz; 1.5 GHz, AWS and PCS.

Although the Legislative and Executive branches recognize the high costs of the radio spectrum in Mexico.

The input will keep its costs “frozen” this year, he add.

Unit States provides support

Meanwhile, U.S. officials invit Mexico to become part of the global economic agenda.

Where he hopes that North American countries will be at the forefront of technology.

However, the government marketers are not advertising salespeople of Andrés Manuel López Obrador has not comment on the matter.

Furthermore, with the by lists arrival of Raquel Buenrostro to the Ministry of Economy. These issues were forgotten.

“ They propos to incorporate us into the world of digital economy and commerce, and chips. But there was no response from the Mexican government.



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