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Money from the advertising account

Previously, this was impossible to do, but now it is enough to submit an application and fill out a short form. Instructions on how to return funds from VK and the intricacies of this process are in our article.


Reason for withdrawing money from VK Advertising

Payment systems for withdrawal

Withdrawal instructions

Reasons for withdrawing money from VK Advertising

In what cases you may need to overseas chinese in australia withdraw funds from your VKontakte advertising account:

  • mixed up the amount and transferred too many funds;
  • confused “Targeted advertising” and “Market platform”;
  • mixed up the accounts;
  • do not plan to use the advertising account in the near future;
  • want to use VK Advertising instead of the old advertising account.

Such situations happen regularly, so VK has established universal rules and a mechanism for withdrawing funds.

Payment systems for withdrawal

As with any financial system, payment processing conditions differ for citizens and non-residents of the country.

special data

Citizens of Russia and Kazakhstan can withdraw money from the VK advertising account:

  • to a MasterCard, Maestro, VISA or MIR bank card;
  • to the Yandex.Money online wallet;
  • “voices” of VK.

For non-residents the conditions are as follows:

  • if you managed to spend part of the last transfer, the remainder can be converted into “votes”;
  • If the top-up amount is not touched, the money can be returned to the bank card from which the payment was made.

According to official information , the refund process takes up to 30 days, but in fact the transfer is much faster, often almost instantly.

  • Automatic marking
  • Support
  • Cashback
Withdrawal instructions

There are several ways to transfer funds from the VK advertising account.

Refund via Help

Find the “Help” section in the menu. In the building appraisal and surveying in jamaica search bar, type: “Refund of funds from the advertising budget”.After going to the proposed section, you will have the option to write a request to Support.

Information about the possibilities and limitations of refunding money from VK

In the following form, please describe the situation.

The question will be saved in the VKontakte Messenger. Please note that the answer should come there too. But if you receive personal messages from “Support Representatives”, “Administrators” and others outside this dialogue – do not answer. These are scammers.

To return, you will need to fill out an application. Currently, its preliminary form is not publicly available, and it may differ depending on the operator and the situation.

Refund via direct link

Use this link to go straight to qatar data thepayment support page. Here you can select the topic of your request to quickly get to the relevant support operator.

Specialized appeal on money transfers

After sending the request, the algorithm of actions is the same as in the previous case: communication with Support in the chat → filling out the form → refund.

Transfer of funds in Vkontakte advertising accounts

There are two types of advertising accounts in the social network: VKontakte Advertising (for ads in the VKontakte social network) and Market Platform (for advertising posts in VK communities).

For each account, the advertising budget is created separately. In both cases, you can transfer money using technical support. To do this, in the Help section, find the search bar and type Refund.

In any case, you will be taken to a page that will direct you to fill out a Support request.

Then everything follows the familiar scenario: communication with Support in the chat → filling out the form → refund.

Transferring funds from VKontakte to VK Advertising

To transfer money from the old VKontakte advertising account to VK Advertising, you must be registered in the latter with the same ID as in the old account. At the same time, only individuals can transfer funds, legal entities are recommended to tighten up the funds or return them, and then top up VK Advertising.

Important . You can only withdraw the entire amount from your VKontakte advertising account. In this case, the account will be closed for further work, campaigns will stop, and access will remain only for viewing. If you need to export audiences , you must do this in advance.

To start transferring funds in your VKontakte advertising account, open it from your computer (required), go to the “Budget” section and find the “Transfer” button.Due to the fact that in the VKontakte account VAT was charged during the payment for advertising, and in VK Advertising – during the replenishment of the budget, when transferring funds from one account to another, 20% will be withheld.

Transferring funds from the Market platform to VK Advertising is not possible: there is not even a button for this.

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