Home » My plan of attack to start with the first B2B sales – less is more

My plan of attack to start with the first B2B sales – less is more

We have several B2B leads. Not thousands, but some good and quality ones. I have them in the pipeline because until now I have not dared to send them the proposal.

The proposal is simple. It is a catalogue of our products with the sales prices. Until now I have not dared to send it because in the end we have to admit that we are not yet at the level of other strong brands in the sector.

What made me change my mind now?

Well, I already have the “no” and that’s not going to change if I don’t start moving. The good thing is that I have a plan.

The plan is this.

I’m going to focus on 1-2 products for each B2B contact. I’m not going to upsell them.

I will choose the product that differentiates vietnam whatsapp number data me from the competition and that best suits the B2B client. That way I avoid being compared to the competition. I can offer them something unique that they haven’t had in their catalogue to date.We will invest 50% in Lego. This will allow us to generate a secure profit and reduces the risk of not selling or even losing money.

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Another 40% will be used to replenish

Create variations of products that already seller: how should we deal with this unethical price increase? work very well. The remaining 10% will be for experiments. We should do a lot of these, distributing this capital among different options. This way we can test a wider range of products. We won’t make the same profit at Christmas, but we will be able to generate it throughout the rest of the year because thanks to 10 new products we have found 1-2 new top sellers.

I just started

So you could say that I’m starting to do the qatar data work that I should have done a long time ago. I haven’t been curious until now. Times change and after having said that I’m glad to have left social media behind, it’s like a little comeback , so to speak. Until today I’ve been constantly posting on LinkedIn from Monday to Friday. Just today I haven’t posted anything yet since I’ve been all day at the offices of a new client with whom I’ve just started a project this week. In fact I haven’t even scheduled the daily post, which I usually do in the morning. I’ve gotten up as early as 5 in the morning but I’ve prioritized going out for a run.

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