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Necessary skills for a specialist

If you ask yourself how to become a QA engineer, you must first understand that testing occurs in a variety of areas. Accordingly, a tester must have a very broad outlook. But there are also common points: in all cases, you ne to know the theory of testing, and then you will ne knowlge of the specific system being test and the technologies us in it.

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If we talk about the popularity of new developments, then the web and mobile platforms are the first ones to come out. We have sort of figur out the web, but to test mobile devices, you will ne knowlge of the structure of mobile applications, their life cycles, differences from computer applications, and the features of Android and iOS systems. It would also be useful to get acquaint with the documentation on the design of mobile applications for each of them.

Another important point is that most modern programs use databases. Therefore, you ne to know what it is and be able to create simple SQL queries.
Programming skills are not mandatory, at least when you start working as a tester. But later on, it will be a serious advantage.

Necessary skills for a specialist

Necessary skills for a specialist
Today, QA engineers are assist by special automat testing programs. They free what is brand equity and why is it important? a person from monotonous work and significantly ruce testing time, especially in large projects where it is necessary to perform many simple repetitive actions.

All testers are divid into two groups: manual testers and autotesters. The cg leads former prefer to search for bugs manually, the latter write programs for automatic search. But this division is rather arbitrary.

There is not a single automation enthusiast who could not test a program manually. And vice versa, many manual testers master programming languages ​​and write automat tests to save themselves from routine. Experienc specialists generally have skills in both.

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