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One of the pioneers of marketing

KL Keller, believes that brand value is influenc by brand image, which is creat through associations with the brand and remains in the consumer’s memory. Such associations may be functional, symbolic, or attitudinal. Symbolic, abstract associations that the consumer has assign to the brand help to create the brand personality, which is one of the components of the brand image. A strong, unique and favorable perception of brand personality positively affects brand equity.

KL Keller (2003) describ brand value as a multifacet

Concept and quite complex as it requires many different measures. He not that brand equity is the benefit the brand creates for the consumer. Most women phone numbers of the time, brand value is seen through how consumers value the brand. Assessing consumer brand perception is important, but also difficult. Other authors define brand equity as the difference in consumer preference between a brand product and an unbrand product, but both products have the same characteristics.

special data

Organizations’ brands are increasingly associat

With their products or services and become setting the server date and time their valuable assets, so maintaining a high brand value has become very important in recent years. Both in theory and in practice, brand equity and brand associations have many important functions. Brand associations are significant in creating brand value, which benefits both the organization and helps customers gain information, distinguish the brand, understand why they want to buy, create positive attitudes and feelings, and provide a basis for further expansion.

Brand equity is the set of brand assets and liabilities associat

With the brand, its name and symbol that bulk lead add or subtract from the benefits the brand or service provides to the organization and its customers. To summarize the concept of the concept of brand value, in the competitive struggle, the brand is the largest and most valu asset that a company can have. Strong brands have value that affects consumer loyalty to the brand, perceiv quality, and associations with the product. Brand equity is a set of positive attributes and commitments associat with a brand that create additional benefits for customers.

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