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The only question is whether a potential

Thief will want to mess with your site or will prefer a less protect resource. Disabling the image saving function. Image by storyset on Freepik. Recording authorship through metadata Photos taken with modern digital equipment have additional information that is “sewn” into them at the time of shooting. For example, photos on your smartphone can tell you when, where, with what camera, with what resolution and lens settings they were taken.

The same is true for any other digital images

Such metadata can help you protect against copyright theft: add information about the author to them using a computer program, and it will rich people number data be copi in the same way as other data, along with the picture. This will not save you from parsing, but at least it will allow you to prove that your site was the original source. A useful feature when dealing with copy-pasters and a good argument for complaining about plagiarism to search engines.

special data

Additional methods of protection In addition

To the above, there are other methods that are us to protect a site from parsing and content theft. For example, you can: Implement a captcha, i.e. check whether the visitor is a human or a robot. To do this, you can connect a special service (for continue your visit to our blog and learn how to create an effective media plan ! example, reCAPTCHA) or write the test yourself (you will ne programming skills). Check all users or only those who behave suspiciously: click the same point on the button, send too many requests or too quickly for a human, etc. Block access to the site for certain IP addresses.

This is a good counteraction to parsers

Yne to be sure that only bots come from bulk lead a specific address. Otherwise, there is a risk of blocking a real visitor. Brand the content, make it more personaliz , mention the name of the company or website more often. This will make the information uncopyable. Ask people not to copy the data, remind them about copyright and warn them about the possible consequences of plagiarism.

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