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R irection has several stages:

Thanks to the r irection, browsers accessing ruwebru find. The path to the files of the main web resource (with the .net domain) and load its web pages for users. What is a r irect and why is it ne ? Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik. A visitor follows a link (from search results, from a third-party site, from the browser history or bookmarks); The browser accesses the Domain Name System (DNS) to obtain information about the location of the project files.

The response from the server

That receiv the request to transfer data is a r irect message indicating. The current address of the file storage; The browser accesses the new women phone numbers address obtain in the previous step; Receiving a request by a new server and transferring the site files to the browser; Loading page for user. R irection has not only a navigation function for the browser.

special data

R irection is an important search engine optimization tool

For search engines, ruweb.net and ruweb.ru are two independent web resources, each of which ne s to be index separately. Since the content does not change depending on the site address, search engines begin to consider them duplicates. R irection crystal is a tool that can be called allows you to determine the priority domain for ranking, exclude a copy from the index and solve many other problems of search engine promotion. A correctly configur r irect is unnoticeable for users: the web resource loads without noticeable delays, there are no error notifications.

Particularly attentive visitors notice a change

In the URL in the browser address bar. On bulk lead the other hand, search robots receive instructions on how to index web pages with a r irect. Return for evaluation later, transfer weight from the old address to the new one, stop crawling. Why do you ne a r irect? R irection solves problems that arise on a site due to some technical manipulations with URLs of its individual pages and with the domain name.

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