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Some things for Bristolians to think about

Last night GWS Media celebrated its tenth birthday here in our Bristol offices.

A wonderful night, and we were so pleased to see so many .

friends and associates from Bristol in attendance and celebrate with them.

Here’s to ten more years of working with you all!

celebrating bristol

The Bristol-based charity Above and Beyond co-hosted the evening, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to them.

We consider ourselves lucky to have a long-standing association with canada phone number data this wonderful organisation, who do excellent.

work in support of Bristol’s hospitals – each year they raise millions for healthcare in Bristol and the South West.

mobile phone number library

A prize draw in support

of Above and Beyond saw Mike Prissick of Biz2bizConnect win the top prize of the night – a free promotional video, to be produced by GWS Media.

(For those that want to see if they were snapped, check out our pictures of the night on Flickr here.)

Andrew Monk of Above and Beyond (with mic) and Mike Prissick .

shaking hands with David Graves, Creative Director here at GWS (far right).
We look forward to working with him on his video!

Other prizewinners included Kevin Scates of WPA and David Gainard of KN Office Supplies.

Many thanks from GWS also to Aqua Italia Restaurant, Central Studio Hairdressers, and Feeding Your Imagination for donating such wonderful prizes (check out FYI’s amazing chocolate range here for a true taste of South-Western ingenuity – Spiced Fruit Pudding chocolate?!!!).


Speaking of South West ingenuity, in the last ten years, GWS has seen many of our fellow Bristolians’ businesses grow and thrive.

Since 2000, not only has GWS expanded our team and moved to our current premises in Queen Charlotte Street, Bristol itself has flourished.

In the last ten years, Bristol’s tourism market has grown to tg data exceed £750 million in yearly value; Bristol’s retail centres have become incredibly successful; and the city’s creative industry has gone from strength to strength.

With 1350 creative and media businesses, Bristol is also the UK capital for wildlife and environmental films and has a famous and vibrant live music scene – with festivals throughout the year to celebrate everything from jazz to vegan food.

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