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After that, you ne to set the r irect parameters:

Replace ruweb.net with the domain of your resource. From www to non-www and vice versa Most sites no longer use the www prefix. The exceptions are resources that ne the additional part to set up cookies for a specific subdomain. In addition, www simplifies the installation of a content delivery network (CDN). In other cases, you can do without a prefix.

For the first sites

The use of the prefix was typical, but now you can find cases where browsers hide it. There are users on the network who are accustom to URLs with gambling data japan and without www. You can choose either option, and set up a r irect on the other. Parameters that must be specifi in the root directory file “.htaccess” to transfer a domain without a prefix to a domain with a prefix: where ruweb.net is the donor page, and  is the acceptor page. Page-by-page r irect.

special data

Permanent or temporary r irection from

A specific web page is easiest to set up through the administrative panel of the CMS with which the site was creat . Let’s look at the process using how to be productive before the WordPress admin panel as an example. In the left side menu we find the item “Tools”. In it, select the “R irects” tool and click on “Add new”. We indicate the URL of the donor page (source) of traffic. We mark the condition “Exact match of all parameters in any order.

Enter the address of the acceptor page

We save the r irect. From one domain to bulk lead another To r irect from one domain to another, you can use two code options. The first one: Second: Conclusion R irection is necessary for projects that do not want to lose traffic, care about visitors and manage SEO. After setting up the r irection, do not forget to clear the cache and check the result. For this, you can use special online services.

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