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The buyer must understand why he chooses that particular product and not another

So, in the case of a strong slogan, the buyer should immiately say the name of the product after hearing it. Company slogans are a significant part of brand identity, just like the name itself, logo or its color scheme. So what is the role of an advertising slogan in an advertising campaign? An advertising slogan is an advertising idea, its idea is convey in a text, a short advertising sentence, in verse form. Slogans reflect the main idea of ​​advertising.

Slogans cannot be long, they must be short and clear, the user must remember them easily

Thus, an advertising slogan is us to enhance chinese in europe the memorability of the advertisement and helps the consumer of the advertisement to identify the service or product. Slogans must not be chang and are repeat from one advertisement to another.

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It should be a catchy phrase to finalize the advertising idea

The meaning and role of slogans in advertising: Slogans should not be underestimat. They are still one of the most effective and cheapest which is responsible for implementing means of advertising. Advertising slogans can be us to announce a new or simply remind about an old product cheaply and effectively. A short and compelling phrase, us correctly, is a great way to communicate yourself in one sentence.

A slogan must represent the company or product and be memorable

This means that the slogan must be short buying house b and original. The advantage of advertising slogans is their universality. You can define a company’s goals, functions or advantage in one sentence. Or to embody the core values ​​that your company’s brand will be associat with: “Technically perfect. Perfectly simple. Sony”. Slogans also inform consumers that a specific product can satisfy their nes and help them achieve their goal: “Don’t look – experience it!” Ultra high definition LG.

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