Home » These are customers who don’t give food – give them to talk

These are customers who don’t give food – give them to talk

If you are a good listener by nature, then you have many chances to establish a business-like, friendly relationship with this client, it is easy to find out the real nes and desires with them. When he stops talking for a minute, call him by name to get his attention. Then connect his expectations with your interests and steer the further conversation in a beneficial direction for you. 7. Quietly. This is the type of clos, silent, avoidant person. Ask him open-end questions to establish contact. In this way, you will give him the opportunity to tell you about his business, problems and nes. But don’t turn the conversation into an “interrogation” because the client will shut down altogether. 8. Pants.

These are customers who pay special attention

To details and details. In order to draw their attention and involve them in the conversation, have ready a bunch of diagrams, several tables gambling data japan with economic calculations, illustrating the advantages of the product you are selling compar to the analogues offer by competitors. 9. The indecisive. They enter into talks with good will, but find a whole series of reasons why they cannot make a final decision.

special data

You will not solve this problem by providing as much information

As possible about the product or service you are selling. It provokes only the opposite reaction. Ruce the uncertainty of the decision-making how to be productive before situation for this customer by all possible means. 10. “Golden” customers. These are people with whom you find a common language, with whom it is easy and pleasant to communicate, who seem to understand you half a word and know what you want.

In this case, the proverb applies – “match like an ax – a shaft

They should receive our maximum buying house b attention and respect. A professional knows that there are no bad customers, only sellers who: does not know how to identify the person with whom he communicates, and with whom it is easy and pleasant to communicate, who seem to understand you half a word and know what you want.

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