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This is usually due to temporary problems or incorrect server configuration

Problems in rtxt – the robots.txt file can block search engine bots from accessing certain pages or sections of the site. How to identify crawling errors (problems) Using Google Search Console. Go to GSC, go to Index > Coverage. There you will see the entire list of errors and warnings. Click on an item to get more detail information.

Then prioritize the fix

We recommend starting with 404 errors on important pages. You can also check the logs for errors that may not show up in GSC. As for fixing the women phone numbers 404 status code, you can do the following: Restore a page if it was accidentally delet . Create a 301 r irect to a new address if the page has mov . Create a new page for r irection. Once you’re done with the fixes, check everything again. For example, using URL Inspection in GSC.

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ndexing status Indexing status means whether

A page has been add to the search engine index. If so, it will appear in search results. If not, it will remain invisible to search engines and crystal is a tool that can be called will not be found by users. How to ensure proper indexing of pages This can be done like this: Create quality, unique content and use relevant keywords to help search engines understand the content of the page.

Submit sitemap

Optimize internal linking. Check rtxt – nothing in it should prevent search engines from viewing and indexing pages. Check the Index > Coverage report in GSC from time to time. It will tell you which pages have already been index and material data if there are any indexing errors. Key SEO Metrics Site spe Site spe is the time it takes for a site to load and become clickable. A very, very important indicator. Research has shown that people don’t usually wait more than a few seconds for a page to load.

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