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Threats to 5G deployment are seen

The IFT is seeking to offer more 5G spectrum blocks to operators, so that they make the high payments contemplat in the Feral Rights Law.
Mexico runs the risk of not presenting tenders this year to offer radio spectrum bands suitable for the exploitation of technology5G, warn the consultancy The CIU .

The high costs paid by operators for the use and exploitation of the spectrum, as well as the results obtain in previous tenders.

These are elements that could slow down the IFT -12 Tender this year, the organization argu.

“ It is expect that the regulator will not delay the start of the bidding process any further to accelerate the transition to the grid of5Gthroughout the country, given the delay that already exists .”

The consultant said

Postpon tenders
Last year, the IFT agre to put the terms and conditions of the tender out to public consultation.

However, this iran whatsapp number data situation did not come to fruition.

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At the time, Javier Juárez Mojica, acting president commissioner of the Institute, confirm that the IFT-12 Tender would not be launch last year and there were doubts about its submission this year.

“ Although it was plann to start this year, I still cannot rule out whether or not it will be done in 2022, or if it is simply a project that will be reschul for 2023. ”

Juárez Mojica comment at the time.
In this regard, the consultancy firm recall that since the Annual Program for the Use and Utilization of Frequency Bands (PABF) 2020 and 2021.

The IFT has sought to tender frequencies in the 600 MHz bands, the L band (1,427 – 1,518 MHz) and 3.5 GHz.

Which are consider optimal for the provision of network services.5Gand which together can provide additional radio spectrum.

To complement the resources already available on the market.

IFT proposes alternative frequencies

However, this year marketing training from logo to rebranding the IFT itself plans to offer operators the 600 MHz. 800 MHz, 850 MHz; 1.5 GHz, AWS and PCS spectrum bands.

Middle and low bands by lists that are far from the optimal bands.

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