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When us : to move to a new domain; when changing

The structure of the site; to switch from http to https; when moving files. 302 r irect Mov Temporarily — temporary move. Us when visitors are temporarily block from accessing a page that is undergoing maintenance. In this case, visitors are r irect to a copy of the previous version of the page. The r irect tells search engines that the page does not ne to be index at the moment, but they ne to return to it after some time.

If, upon a new visit, it turns out that

The page has return to the old address, it can be crawl again. The addresses are not glu together, and link weight is not transferr . 303 r irect See overseas chinese data Other — «see other». A temporary r irect that informs the user that the content that may interest him is on another page. In this way, you can recommend products similar to the one that is temporarily out of stock to the buyer. 307 r irect Temporary R irect is an improv temporary r irect (analogous to 302).

special data

Search robots understand that the page

Will soon be return to the previous address, so they do not cache the data. The user does not ne to clear the cache in their browser. This is a particular dimension or metric how 307 r irect differs from 302. How to set up a r irect The method of setting up a r irect is influenc by its tasks and the method of creating a web resource (writing code, CMS).

In addition, it is necessary to consider on which side

The r irect will be implement : on the server bulk lead or through the browser. From http to https Connect to the FTP client. In the root folder of the web resource, find the file “.htaccess”. If it is missing, create it yourself. Open the file and find the following section of code inside it: If the element is missing, scroll to the end of the file and paste the code.

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