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Understanding explicit and implicit information

At this point, we must take into account that our Buyer personas can evolve over time in terms of behavior or habits in the digital environment. We recommend that you spend some time with your team from time to time to see if it is necessary to perform any optimization of your buyer personas.

– Stage of the Buyer Journey in which your contact is locat: this type of segmentation will help you identify if the contact is in the recognition, consideration or decision stage.

Implicit information refers to the information we obtain through


The interaction of contacts with our brand, that is, the information we collect from their behavior (interaction with social networks/blogs, subscriptions, etc.) and explicit information is the information we obtain because they dentist database themselves provide it to us, for example, by filling out a form.
How to segment your database using HubSpot lists?
In HubSpot we can segment by creating static or active lists through the values ​​of contact or company properties.

Static lists: they do not update automatically, they are recommend for adding contacts to Workflows, one-off email sending, etc.
Active lists: These are updat automatically. As soon as a contact meets the rules that were establish when creating the list, they will automatically be add to it.

Steps to create a static or active list in HubSpot


Your HubSpot account, go to Contacts > Lists .
The top right corner click Create List .
In the left panel you will have the option to about the popularity of black select whether your list is of contacts or companies .
Enter the name of your list and select whether you want it to be a static or active list .
At the top right click next .
Left panel you can choose the filters you want to segment your contacts or companies.

HubSpot List Filters

To add another filter group click add filter group on the left panel.
If you want to delete a filter , place the cursor over the yeezys shoes property and in the upper right corner click on the delete icon, if it is a group of filters click on delete branch.
If you ne to clone a filter group, click on the top right corner of the group and under actions press clone.

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