Home » What a tester should know: hard and soft skills of the profession

What a tester should know: hard and soft skills of the profession

Many people believe that the shortest path to Information Technology is testing. They say that knowledge is not needed, and experience is even less so. Optimism and the ability to not lose heart when receiving another test case set for regression testing are quite enough.

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There is, of course, some truth to this, typical of the market conditions of ten years ago. Today, everything is different, and there are several reasons for this. Let us note the most significant ones:

Increased requirements for what a tester

should know and be able to do, for the level of the activity itself. Now, more and more often, tasks are set that are more complex than the usual “click-click → production” scheme. The what is brand equity and why is it important? actions of software testing specialists acquire an “engineering” meaning and require technical abilities, special knowledge, competence, skills, and cmo email list experience. For the most part, a modern tester then grows into a QA engineer (those in the know understand the difference).
Growing competition in the market. Today, crowds of former “civilians” have rushed into the IT sphere, drawing information from books, specialized seminars and articles on this topic.

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