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What is gamification?

Originating from the English term “gamification”, gamification is a mechanic that has been present in almost everything we do in our lives. Did you know?

It involves using game dynamics to attract people, resolve issues and even improve learning, determining actions and behaviors in environments outside the game scenario. In other words, gamification is nothing more than the use of game mechanisms to encourage someone to do something.

What is the purpose of gamification?
The main objective of gamification is to increase commitment and arouse the curiosity of its users and, in addition to the instigations proposed in games, in the mechanics of gamification, rewards are also decisive tools for success.

The use of gamification in education

In the Distance Education (EAD) teaching modality, the proposal of gamification is to develop an inherent stimulus, where learning occurs through the activities and games themselves, without branching out between theory and practice.

The role of the educator is to act in a similar way to that of a game designer, seeking ways for the student to always want to play more, becoming stimulated and interested in discovering new ways of interacting with knowledge and everything that surrounds them.

Gamification mechanics are proof of how human beings are seduced by games, regardless of whether they are electronic or analog.

Through gamification, it is possible to achieve the following results:

Encouraging healthy competition: Competition addresses human nature, which generates individuals from the desire to excel (whether against others or themselves) in any aspect.
Although they have strange repercussions, all gamification strategies work with the individual’s pride, where they can affirm that they have reached a certain level.

More accessibility: In any game

all players have the same access to data and tools, and although progress may vary, there is an uninterrupted opportunity to study skills to master all phases of the game.
As we explained, teachers in the distance learning teaching modality need to develop a teaching environment and method to provide equal access to knowledge, in addition to the essential resources for students to be successful in learning.

Establishes a sense of self-achievement: Gamification also helps your “players” gain confidence as they turkey phone number data learn how to achieve a successful learning experience.

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Good games also create a sense of effectiveness in students. When a certain goal is reached, a feeling start working with a trustworthy of achievement is awakened in the user, which is essential to further encourage the member in the following tactics and to make the maximum effort cmo email list to continue sustaining. In other words, the achievement will add value to the business to attract more individuals to the same goal.

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