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What is the concept of integration in organizations?

Although the concept of enterprise integration is commonly related to actions taken as part of a company’s business plan! it can also refer to technological unification.

In this context! the definition of integration refers to how to combine technologies and systems within the company with the purpose of increasing productivity! saving time in processes and obtaining greater profitability.

What is the concept of integration?

The concept of integration refers to keeping the parts of a whole together to achieve a common goal. It is uk telegram number worth noting that it is not restricted to business and examples of it can be found in other areas.

However! in this article we will focus on the meaning of integration applied to the processes of unifying technologies and systems within organizations ! so that they function in a coordinated and efficient manner.

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This type of enterprise integration aims to group business applications! data! cloud computing ! specialized software programs! and electronic devices into a unified system.

The essence of integration is the connection of critical components used in different departments of the company! so that it is possible for employees to work in a cohesive manner.

To do this! the company can execute one or more integrations depending on its needs and the elements involved. For example:

  • Integration with business applications.
  • Data integration.
  • Integration with cloud services.
  • Integration with application programming interface (API) for exchanging research the major competitors data sources.
  • Platform integration.
  • Integration of processes and workflows.
  • Device integration.

Examples of integration

Thanks to the digital transformation in companies! the use of technological integrations is increasingly widespread in organizations to efficiently manage internal processes! such as onboarding .

Before moving forward with the unification process! it is essential to know what the company’s needs! requirements and problem 

With this information! you can choose the integrations that best fit your hong kong lists organization’s workflow. Popular integrations include ERP systems and CRM platforms .


ERPs ( Enterprise Resources Planning ) systems allow the integration of all processes inherent to company administration! even if they involve departments as different as sales! human resources and logistics.

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