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Why gamification in companies could change everything

I’m about to say the most obvious statement of all time, but stay with me: games are fun.

People love games. As children, we use them to learn, to pass the time and to relate better as adults, and also as a way to make boring activities more interesting.

Humanity has been gaming since ancient Egypt .

Today, gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry , both on and off the computer.

With so many small and medium-sized businesses struggling with e oman whatsapp number data mployee retention, engagement, and job satisfaction, doesn’t it make sense to take classes or lessons from gaming to make work more fun? Have you heard of gamification in business?


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I think your HR management software could get a boost from gamification. In fact, everything in your company could.

Gamification is the process of making an educational or work-related activity more game-like by finding ways to make it more entertaining and rewarding, as well as encouraging participation and productivity. Gamified elements are often visually appealing and offer points, rewards and prizes based on performance and the completion of levels or challenges.

You might be wondering why bother. Work isn’t a game, after all.

Work may not be a game, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to learn from games and their benefits. Gamification is a trend in companies today.

The benefits of gamification at work lie in the same reasons why games are so much fun and in those emotions we feel when we succeed. Every time you get a high score or unlock an achievement, your  the real estate agent scans brain releases a rush of dopamine (a feel-good hormone).

If you produce dopamine whenever you succeed at a task, your brain will associate winning, achievement, and triumph at work with positive feelings.

Video games in particular are especially geared toward making you material data r brain release dopamine. They show you progress bars and levels, high score charts, and rare achievements to unlock. They throw challenges your way, like puzzles and fights, but those difficulties are in themselves fun, and make winning feel even better.

Why gamification works so well

By adding things like fun badges, visually clear progress bars, and avatar creation, gamification can make work less boring, more engaging, and more rewarding. Challenges, high scores, and in-game rewards increase employee engagement and retention.

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