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Why is Conversion Rate important?

You must be clear that if the conversion rate is high, it means that the sales process has been successful.

Of course, the result will depend on factors such as the type of product/service, the sector, among other valuable aspects to obtain a complete understanding of the performance of sales strategies.

The objective of this metric is to know the status of the return on each investment of the company, whether in relation to marketing or sales activities.

In addition, it is high-impact, as it provides timely data on segmentation, how to create successful campaigns on the different channels proposed in the marketing strategy, the continuous improvement of the user experience and everything that contributes to the growth of the company.

Now let’s take a closer look at some


Specific actions that are of great importance to the conversion rate:

How does conversion rate help measure results?
There is always some investment in money or even time job seekers database for a company to launch a campaign.

Now imagine if you had ways to understand exactly the outcome of that work as accurately as possible.

You can, for example, create a landing page for a promotion and promote it on your communication channels. People start to enter the page, showing interest in the content.

Of all the people who enter, those who are actually interested in the topic will complete a form, in accordance with your strategy to achieve conversion.

job seekers database

That’s it, one more conversion for your page!


With each period or with each campaign, you can evaluate the number of people who converted versus the total number of visits.

From there, it’s just a matter of following that about the popularity of black number to understand how many of them made it to the close of the sale. This way, you’ll have a more accurate understanding of the return on investment , whether it’s in money directly or in time.

That said, this is just one example of how measuring conversion rate allows businesses to improve their digital marketing efforts. And we know from experience that an optimized conversion rate helps keep the funnel healthy.

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How to create landing pages that convert more with AI
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