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Why online promotion shouldn’t be

This is the final post in GWS Media’s four-part mini-series – aimed at helping you take control of your online promotion campaign.

We’ve written it specifically for small business owners, because these.

Are the people we work with daily in Bristol, and whose concerns we hear:

Will they have enough time


Will Facebook really do them any good?

What can Google Adwords really achieve?

4. Monitor the results of your internet marketing
Analysing outcomes is key to any business strategy, but it’s belgium phone number data surprising how often businesses appear not to apply these principles online.

mobile phone number library

For example, if you have an Adwords campaign, make sure you.

Also have Google Analytics (a free package – check it out here) on your site to work out what your visitors do when they click through.

By improving the experience for website visitors and driving more sales / contacts, you can spend money more wisely.

Likewise, monitor your blog or your Facebook account each month to work out – by numbers of contacts, or interactions – where your time can be most productively spent.

(Most applications

Twitter, and blogs have ‘stats’ tabs; on Facebook business pages, ‘Insights’ – investigate here).

Look at what your competitors are using social media for, if you need ideas before you start – don’t waste time making mistakes they’ve already made.

If their Facebook page is full of them posting well-written and interesting a responsive website is the basis of every marketingcontent, but their 110 ‘Fans’ are not responding, you might take this as a clue that another platform may work better for your business.

Not all social media applications are the same or attract the same people- a little research can save you a lot of wasted time.

In summary, any successful small business owner already has many tg data of the skills and abilities needed to market themselves online; the secret of social media and online marketing- as with traditional PR and marketing campaigns – is to set goals, monitor progress, structure time, and most of all, communicate – both with your clients, and with your colleagues promoting you online.


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