Home » Without cybersecurity 90% of dependencies

Without cybersecurity 90% of dependencies

Cyberattacks on government institutions cause economic damages of more than 524.8 billion pesos per year.
In Mexico, 90% of public government agencies lack the tools to protect themselves from cyberattacks.

Victor Ruiz, founder of the company SILIKN , filed a complaint.

“ Around 10.2% of agencies have an incident response plan .”

The manager said.
After carrying out a cyber vulnerability analysis in the institutions.

The specialist company highlighted that 78.3% of IT managers acknowledged that the issue of cybersecurity has become a threat to national security.

“ Cyberattacks are increasing, both in number and sophistication, with incidents becoming more serious.

“That affect companies and Mexican

government agencies every week .”

Ruiz accused.
With recent incidents such as the kidnapping of data from the Secretariats of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) or the theft of information from the National Defense (SEDENA) .

SILIKN added that these attacks cause economic damages to taxpayers of more than 524.8 billion pesos per year.

As a result, the agencies became easy targets for cybercrime during the presidency of Andrés Manuel López Obrador , the company said.

“ There is a lack of better cybersecurity practices and a lack of will on the part of their leaders to be able to establish plans and programs for prevention and response to incidents .”

He added.
Cyber ​​law insufficient
Although the Senate is working on a law to properly establish the powers and bases of coordination between the Federation.

This will not be enough to indonesia whatsapp number data reduce the State’s vulnerability.

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“ There is a need for greater knowledge on cyber threats, cyber attackers, techniques, methodologies and tools.

“As well as greater speed in implementing the law and keeping up with the speed with which cyberattacks occur .”

The firm warned

Ruiz said that the government also needs to show greater interest and commitment, following the 3.3 billion pesos cut in IT and cybersecurity services that it implemented.

This means that many start working with a trustworthy officials are working with obsolete computers and operating systems.

Without updates, without security patches, without antivirus and using pirated programs, putting millions of citizens and their respective personal information at risk.

The downward by lists adjustment of public resources puts agencies in a vulnerable situation.

Lacking funds to purchase cyber defense programs or systems, and exposed to organized crime, hacktivists, cyber terrorists, advanced persistent threats and nation states, the executive argued.

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