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10 Email Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid in 2016

Sending emails is easy, but getting your customers to read them is another thing.

That is why you must avoid mistakes that affect not only the effectiveness of your pieces, but also your reputation.

A well-developed email marketing strategy becomes 10 Email Marketing  the most effective and profitable channel of all.

But people and ISPs (Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo), as the number of emails and unfortunately also the number of spam ( of all emails sent according to statistics) increase, are becoming more protective of the permission and relevance of messages.

Nobody complains about a TV commercial that they didn’t request when watching their favorite soap opera, but they do complain about an email that they received, which they didn’t request (subscribe to) or because its content was irrelevant, punishing them by unsubscribing or marking it as Spam.

That’s why we want you to always be concerned about the relevance of your messages and not make mistakes that could mark you as “unwanted” messages by your customers.


1. Shoot the masses
If you’re still in the habit of sending the same email to all of your clients, try to get off to a good start this year and not keep making this mistake.

Your clients’ inboxes should be busy  10 Email Marketing enough with emails from colleagues, friends and the boss, without them worrying about reading emails that may not be relevant.

We don’t expect you to know the entire life of each of your turkey email list 5 million contact leads  clients in order to send 100% relevant messages, but we do expect you to start generating a culture of segmentation.

turkey email list 5 million contact leads

A simple segmentation by

Psychographic or demographic variables begins to ome of these forms are  make a difference in the tastes and preferences of your 10 Email Marketing customers.

Even generating triggered saudi data messages, according to the   action generated by a client, is generating a conversation, which by default is pure relevance.


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