Home » 15 Signs You’re Busy with the Wrong Thing

15 Signs You’re Busy with the Wrong Thing

Am I in the right place? Am I doing the right thing? Most likely, a person who has found his “life’s work” will not ask such questions. But how can one understand that such doubts are not just a momentary weakness, but a compelling reason to change the field of activity? Let’s ask the experts what signs indicate the need to seek self-realization in another business.

Vasilina Nekryach, coach-consultant, business trainer of the company ” Manager’s Workshop ”

Most of the time you are not thinking about work

If 90% of your working time you are not thinking about work projects and are busy with completely non-work tasks, for example, reading this article – it is worth thinking about.

Svetlana Petrovicheva, Managing canada whatsapp number data Partner of the HR Center ” 21st Century ”
Stalling in development
You think you know everything about your profession.

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partner in ” Psychology of employment ”
You have been working in a certain field for a long time, but have not yet achieved success.
Each person has abilities for a certain activity, and, as the typologies of Jung, Adizes and others show, there one of the pioneers of marketing are no “universal soldiers”, each person is strong in something specific, be it the logical sphere, communications, work with material objects, etc. If an cmo email list employee is realized in “strong functions”, he not only achieves impressive results in his profession, but also experiences satisfaction from work and a sense of self-realization.

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