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What is a Scrum Master

I remember the first time I heard the term in a meeting. “I must have gotten off topic,” I thought. “When did the conversation become a role-playing game?”

In this article, we tell you about this function and its role in the Scrum method of Agile project management.

Once the meeting was over, it turned out that other bewildered colleagues came to the same conclusion regarding role-playing games. I quickly discovered that confusion about this term is common, es uae whatsapp number data pecially for those who are new to the world of Agile project management software .

But there is good news: Scrum and the roles within it are not as complex as you might think. To understand what a Scrum Master is, it is helpful to first know a little about the methodology.



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What is Scrum?
Scrum is an agile method of working that originated in the software development field. Today, it is a way for teams, whether technical or not, to work on complex projects collaboratively and efficiently. The goal is to deliver the best possible result without stifling creativity and productivity.

At the heart of this way of working are Sprint events. A Sprint is a (rigid) period of time of one month or less where the team is dedicated to completing a single task, such as developing features, upd one of the pioneers of marketing ates, functionalities, etc. Once a Sprint concludes, the next Sprint begins immediately.

The team setup maximizes flexibility, creativity, and prod material data uctivity. Here’s a quick breakdown of the roles:

The product owner is responsible for the product that results from the development work.
The development team is made up of professionals who do the work.
Scrum Master serves the Product Owner and the Development Team.
What is a Scrum Master?
The Scrum Guide defines the role as a “servant-leader for the Scrum Team.” The Scrum Master, or facilitator, helps the team understand Agile theory and adhere to its practices, rules, and values.

It also helps employees outside the team understand which of their interactions with the project team are helpful (and which aren’t).

What does a Scrum Master do?

The main task of a Scrum Master is to remove obstacles for the team, so that they can work productively. To do this, they must:

Remove obstacles, for example: a conflict between team members.
Identify optimization potentials in any aspect.
Train the scrum team in the agile methodology.
Mediate between product owners, stakeholders and the team.
The problem with this role is that it all sounds a bit abstract. So let’s look at a concrete example: part of the agile method is the daily scrum, a mandatory fifteen-minute meeting that takes place in the morning. People on the project discuss their responsibilities for the day and highlight potential obstacles.


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